Resso Music Player Template Made With KINEMASTER

 Kinemaster tutorial

Hi friends welcome back to my channel here I am sharing how to make resso music player template tried in kinemaster sweet need some files and scrolling lyrics video song download all related files from my video description then create your scrolling lyrics video using kinemaster and export in with black screen and then is 216 ratio full screen ratio from kinemaster and restart your main objective to hear image of background and add the other a gradient image through kinemaster use the crop tool to get a gradient effect when I use the same colour on the bottom and down in the gradient image at the PNG silver buttons and the green screen videos like that lyrics and the timing for video and the particles and use the screen blind option to remove the background colour background black colour and add music to the other hand if you have any doubt watch the video till end and share your with your friends thank you.


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